Robin Weiss · May 27 – 31, 2025
The price below is only the Registration Deposit (excluding Community Classes, Donations, Events, Gift Certificates, and Quilts). See description below for Balance and Total Cost of the workshop.
11 in stock
Registration Deposit: $270 (includes $25 reg fee)
Balance: $555, due 3/28/25
Total cost of Workshop: $825
Dates: Tuesday, May 27th – Saturday, May 31st, 2025 (9am-4pm)
Level: Advanced Beginner to Intermediate
Materials: Weiss – Supply List.pdf
This workshop will focus on the tools and materials to paint successfully outdoors. We will go over all the gear I use and also cover composition and designing a painting that will draw the viewer into the scene. We will hit on some basic color theory and then go outside to put these principles into practice. I will do a demo each day of the workshop so that you can see first hand how I approach starting and finishing a painting in one session. These demos will be an abrieviated version so that you will all have time to try your hand.
We will meet at the Pacific Northwest Art School in the morning to go over subjects listed above and then drive to a location, probably Coupeville or Ebey’s landing. There will be some walking with gear so you will need a portable easel and some thing to carry your stuff. My pochade and all I need to paint fits in a Kelty 65 back pack. Students in the past who do not have portable pocahde boxes have used a french easel and some type of cart to move gear into the field.
If you would like to help defray the high cost of credit cards fees, you can select from the options below. Our non-profit thanks you! ♥