Traci Owens, Mixed Media Madame

Traci Owens · May 15 – 17, 2025 (10am – 4pm)

The price below is only the Registration Deposit (excluding Community Classes, Donations, Events, Gift Certificates, and Quilts). See description below for Balance and Total Cost of the workshop.


15 in stock

SKU 6529 Category

Registration Deposit: $210 (includes $25 reg fee)
Balance: $415, due 3/16/25
Total cost of Workshop: $625
Dates: Thursday, May 15th – Saturday, May 17th, 2025 (10am-4pm)
Level: Beginning to Intermediate
Medium: Mixed media
Materials: Owens- Supply List.pdf

This workshop is a comprehensive class in which students are taught how to draw and create a unique figurative character with their own style in mind. We will learn how to use multiple layers of color using all sorts of tools and stencils to bring their character to life.

This workshop starts out with emphasis on developing a unique background. Then, students will learn techniques and tricks on how to draw out the face and figure, followed by negative painting to bring out that character and ending with layers of additional color and stencil work.

This workshop is suited for beginners to been there but still learning artist. Some painting experience would be helpful, but not imperative. We all start somewhere!

Instructor Bio
Traci Owens has over 25 years of workshop teaching experience in the US and internationally. She is an international, award-winning, published, self-taught, artist/curator. For the past 12 years you can find her creating from her storefront gallery/studio, “Studio eighte02”, in Auburn, CA. Traci is currently represented by three galleries in Northern and Southern California. She has 20+ solo shows under her belt and her work can be seen in wineries, restaurants, and ample shops around northern CA. She recently created a 24-foot mural in Malaga, Spain. Traci’s work has been featured in: Southwest Art Magazine, North Light Books, AcrylicWorks 6: Creative Energy, and Cloth Paper Scissors. Plus, several hometown issues such as Auburn Journal Front Page, Arts & Culture Guide, Arts Council Placer County Publication, Steppin’ Out Guide Front Page, ACPC Art Guide, Sacramento Wine & Food, SN&R, Placer Sentinel, and Perspectives Cover.

Pacific NorthWest Art School


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