Seamless, Fitted Nunofelted Vest with Marble Surface Design

Flóra Carlile-Kovács · May 27 – 30, 2025

The price below is only the Registration Deposit (excluding Community Classes, Donations, Events, Gift Certificates, and Quilts). See description below for Balance and Total Cost of the workshop.


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SKU 6541 Category

Registration Deposit: $200 (includes $25 reg fee)
Balance: $495 (includes $95 materials fee), due 3/28/25
Total cost of Workshop: $695
Dates: Tuesday, May 27th – Friday, May 30th, 2025 (9am-4pm)
Materials: Carlile-Kovács- Nuno Felting Supply List.pdf

Seamless, Fitted Nunofelted Vest with Marble Surface Design

In this workshop we’ll cover the process from dyeing materials (both silk fibers, fabrics and wool fiber) for the project to the finished seamless garment.
The pattern is developed to fit several very different body shapes, and is felted to fit flatteringly without a baggy look. You’ll learn how to enlarge the pattern and adjust it to your shape.

This workshop features a very thin layout, and conscious use of the direction of the fibers to achieve differential shrinkage, resulting in a seamless but fitted garment. The decoration of the inside of the vest will make it reversible. Pockets can be also added to the garment.

Instructor Bio
Flóra Carlile-Kovács finds endless inspiration in nature and in the natural state of her materials. Felt, as an expressive medium, is conducive to an instinctive and spontaneous creative process. Felting is an underestimated and underrepresented craft in the art world. Her mission is to show the possibilities of applying handmade felt in interior designs, to find the audience for this craft, and to break the boundary between craft and fine art. She has been teaching felt making on all levels since 2005 and leading Felt Tours to Hungary annually since 2016. She lives and works in Seattle, WA.

Pacific NorthWest Art School


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